Product details
Mastering The Grip-Tech Of A TER quick hands, faster wrist turns, increasing bat speed and power.
for a higher batting average, h more pop and greater consistency!
3. Most pro players are batting h TER for the advanced grip technique.
4. TER also s the batting sting reduction.
5. More than 50% of baseballs’ pro players get big wearing TER!
TER® is a durable, rubber-like which, when worn correctly on the thumb of the top hand holding the bat, the correct grip technique to increase your bat speed, power and bat control. It also prevents a batter from getting stung or bone when a batter gets jammed h an A large percentage of baseball’s pro players are using TER® to help increase their performance.
For baseball and softball, h or hout a batting glove, h wood or aluminum bats. both right and left d players. ter® product holds five U.S. patents. U.S. Patent #6,260,198, U.S. Patent #6,389,596, U.S. Patent #6,799,329, U.S. Patent #6,696,849, U.S. Patent #7,484,248.
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